How to remove bots in cs2

June 26, 2024 12:08 pm

In the intense world of Counter-Strike 2 (CS2), the presence of bots can be a double-edged sword. While they can serve as valuable practice for new players, they can also clutter the server and disrupt the flow of a match for seasoned players seeking high-stakes gameplay. If you find yourself yearning for a bot-free environment in CS2, this guide will illuminate the path to ridding your custom server of AI, allowing you to engage in unadulterated human-vs-human combat.

The Bane of Bots

Bots, the automated players designed to fill in for missing team members, were a controversial addition to the CS franchise. While they can provide a challenge and help balance teams, many players feel they detract from the purity of competitive play. They can make callouts that confuse communication and, at times, seem to take up space where none should exist. If you’ve ever found yourself cursing at a poorly timed bot action, you’re not alone.

How to remove bots in cs2

Fear not, for CS2 offers a straightforward method to evict these digital interlopers from your custom server. By harnessing the power of console commands, you can wave goodbye to bots and hello to a cleaner, more focused gaming experience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Bot Removal

  1. Launch CS2 and ensure the Developer Console is enabled in your settings.
  2. Summon the console by pressing the ‘~’ key.
  3. Type mp_limitteams 1 and press Enter to balance teams with a minimum of one player per side.
  4. Relaunch the console and input mp_autoteambalance.
  5. For the final incantation, type bot_kick and watch as the bots are banished from your game.

Remember, this process is manual, so you’ll need to repeat these steps for each new lobby you wish to keep bot-free.

Selective Bot Ejection

If you’re looking to remove bots from only one side or a specific bot, CS2 has you covered with targeted commands:

  • bot_kick T to remove all Terrorist-side bots.
  • bot_kick CT to remove all Counter-Terrorist-side bots.
  • bot_kick Name to kick a bot with a specific name.

The Flip Side: Adding Bots

Conversely, if you ever find yourself in need of digital company, CS2 allows you to add bots to your server with commands like bot_add, bot_add_t, and bot_add_ct. This can be particularly useful for practice or to even out team numbers.

Advanced Bot Management

For those looking to exert finer control over their AI companions, consider these commands:

  • bot_stop 1 to freeze all bots in place, with 0 to resume movement.
  • bot_knives_only 1 to make bots use only knives, offering a less lethal form of practice.
  • bot_quota X to set a specific number of bots on your server.

The Verdict

The ability to remove bots in CS2 is a boon for players seeking a more authentic and challenging gaming experience. It’s a testament to the game’s commitment to catering to a variety of player preferences, ensuring that everyone can tailor their CS2 journey to their liking.