A Comprehensive One-Week CSGO Training Plan

July 4, 2024 11:46 am

Many players struggle to see improvement in their aim because their practice is too scattered and lacks a structured plan. Simply shooting at bots without a clear focus won’t yield the results you’re looking for. Today, I’m sharing a detailed one-week CSGO training plan that, if followed diligently, will visibly enhance your aiming skills in CSGO.

csgo training plan

Monday: Basic Aiming and Positioning

Start with the basics by focusing on your positioning and aim. In the top menu, select “BOT Quick Respawn” and choose Mode 1 under BOT Challenge. Position yourself in the middle of a wall and move left and right, aiming for the bots’ heads with tap shots. This exercise not only improves your fundamental mouse control but also helps you develop a habit of aiming for the head.

It’s crucial to put some pressure on yourself during this challenge. After shooting 100 bots, the game will automatically calculate your time. The shorter the time, the better your skill level. Don’t just shoot casually; strive to break your own record and aim for a time under one minute to start. Hitting the 50-second mark is considered excellent.

Tuesday: Recoil Control

Next, focus on recoil control using the Recoil Master practice map. Recoil control is all about gradual improvement. Using the AK-47 as an example, break down the practice into three stages:

  • Stage One: Set the recoil count to 8. The first eight shots are straightforward; just follow the green dot with your crosshair.
  • Stage Two: Increase the recoil count to 14 and incorporate leftward movements.
  • Stage Three: Practice controlling the full 30-round magazine.

Mastering these stages will help you control the recoil more effectively in real matches.

Wednesday: Movement and Position Control

Aiming isn’t everything; movement and position control are equally important. Use the popular AimRush map for this practice. Choose Map 1 and adjust the enemy settings (number of enemies, infinite ammo, BOT head armor) based on your preference. Your goal is to make your movements as tight and precise as possible. Ensure you can stop and start on a dime and only expose half of your body at a time to minimize your exposure to enemies.

Thursday: Transition to Real Matches

Many players excel in bot matches but falter under the pressure of real games. To bridge this gap, practice 4v4 matches that simulate competitive conditions. However, during these matches, focus solely on aiming at enemies without firing. Stop when you see an enemy and keep your crosshair on their head. Even if you get killed, this practice will help you stay calm and aim accurately in real matches.

Friday: Full Review

On Friday, review and practice all the exercises from the previous four days. This comprehensive review will reinforce your skills and ensure you’re ready for the weekend grind.

Saturday and Sunday: Competitive Play

With your energy levels at their peak, it’s time to dive into competitive matches. Apply everything you’ve practiced throughout the week and aim to climb the ranks.

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The biggest mistake players make is alternating between competitive matches and bot practice without sufficient time for skill consolidation. This can lead to conflicting muscle memory between the two modes. If you can stick to this CSGO training plan and resist the urge to play competitive matches for five days, you’ll see significant improvements in your aim and overall gameplay.