Mastering Dust II: Essential Strategies for T-Side Domination

July 8, 2024 12:19 pm

Dust II is one of the most iconic maps in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO). To dominate on the T-side, mastering the art of taking A Long is crucial. Here, I’ll break down three effective strategies for securing A Long on Dust II, ensuring you and your team can consistently outplay your opponents.

dust II


Strategy 1: Long Gun Rounds and AWP Presence

Step 1: Initial Setup
First, have the first player head straight towards A Long doors, ready to push out. Meanwhile, the second and third players should position themselves to throw support utilities.

Step 2: Smoke Execution
Next, for the smoke lineup, stand against the wall, aim at the middle of the door, and pull up to the first or second indent. The margin for error is quite forgiving. To throw the smoke, left-click and jump-throw. This smoke will pop just as the first player exits the doors, providing immediate cover.

Step 3: Flashbang Coordination
Then, for flashbang lineup, aim at the base of the palm tree and jump-throw. Each player should throw 3-4 flashbangs in succession. Consequently, the first player can now push through the smoke and flashes, dropping into the pit. The smoke will obscure the vision from the blue car, allowing safe passage into the pit.

Step 4: Adjusting to Flashes
Additionally, if you get flashed, take cover behind the blue box until the flash effect wears off, then proceed to the pit.

Strategy 2: Countering A Long Utility

Step 1: Dealing with A Long Molotovs or Smokes
Firstly, if the enemy throws a molotov, the first player should be ready with a smoke to extinguish it. If the enemy throws a smoke, hold your position and prepare to push through it.

Step 2: Flashbang Execution
Secondly, for the flashbang lineup, position yourself at the yellow car, aim at the top of the door, and left-click throw the flashbang when the first player calls for it.

Step 3: Exploit Enemy Assumptions
Moreover, enemies might assume you’re not pushing A Long if you don’t throw utilities immediately. Use this to your advantage by catching them off-guard as they reposition.

Strategy 3: Aggressive A Long Push

Step 1: Initial Push
To begin with, the first player should push aggressively towards A Long while support players throw flashbangs as the first player reaches the door.

Step 2: Timing and Coordination
Even if the enemy throws grenades at the door, the first player should not stop. The grenades won’t hit if you keep moving.

Step 3: Avoiding Counter-Utility
However, avoid using this strategy during gun rounds as the enemy might use counter-flashes or molotovs, which can leave you exposed.

Mid and B Control

Xbox Smoke
For the Xbox smoke lineup, stand against the wall, aim at the middle of the peeled paint on the left side of the screen, and jump-throw. This smoke will cover the Xbox, allowing safe passage through mid.

A Short Control

First Smoke
Initially, stand at the door, aim at the right edge of the building, and left-click throw.

Second Smoke
Then, position at the LV gate, aim at the corner of the “1” sign, pull down slightly, and jump-throw.

Flashbang Coordination

In terms of flashbang lineup, stand at B1, aim at the corner of the building, and jump-throw. This flash will blind any AWPers holding a tight angle, allowing your team to push A Short.

Ecokey shop


In conclusion, mastering these strategies will give you a significant advantage on Dust II. Utilize your utilities effectively, coordinate with your team, and always be prepared to adapt to the enemy’s tactics.