Strategies for Attacking the A-Site on Dust2 in CS2

June 19, 2024 8:29 am

In CS2, attacking the A-site on Dust2 can be a daunting task, especially considering the slight time disadvantage for the T-side. This blog post will guide you through a series of essential smokes and strategies to help you swiftly secure the A-site on Dust2, even against the most formidable CT-side setups.


The Power of Preemptive Smokes

A well-placed smoke can drastically change the outcome of an A-site attack on Dust2. A smoke thrown from the T-side that blooms in just six seconds can effectively cut off the CT-side’s line of sight from the A-door. This forces the CT-side to advance, inadvertently increasing their travel distance and shifting the time advantage to the T-side.

Flashbangs and Their Impact

Coupled with the smoke, a well-timed flashbang can disorient the CT-side, leaving them vulnerable to your attack. If the CT-side manages to survive the initial flashbang, a second flashbang can be used to ensure they’re completely blinded, leaving them with little to no chance of retaliation.

The Attack Strategy

The strategy begins at the T-side’s spawn point. Aim at the pipe on the wall and execute a jump-throw while moving forward. This smoke will bloom by the time you reach the A-door, cutting off the CT-side’s line of sight. As you approach the A-door, prepare a flashbang. The moment the door is breached, throw the flashbang and prepare for any blinded enemies. If none are present, follow up with a second flashbang to ensure the CT-side is completely disoriented.

The Role of Teammates

While the first and second spawn points can execute the smoke and flash strategy independently, having teammates at the third, fourth, and fifth spawn points can greatly enhance the success of the A-site attack. They can throw additional smokes to further limit the CT-side’s visibility, providing more cover for the attacking T-side.


Attacking the A-site on Dust2 can be challenging due to the CT-side’s time advantage. However, with the right smokes, flashbangs, and strategies, the T-side can easily overcome this disadvantage and secure the site. Remember, practice makes perfect, and understanding the mechanics and timings of each smoke and flashbang can significantly improve your success rate in securing the A-site on Dust2.

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