Essential Utility Grenades for Dust 2 in CS2

July 3, 2024 11:52 am
Dust 2 remains one of the most iconic maps in Counter-Strike 2 (CS2). With the removal of many “air walls,” players now have the opportunity to execute long-distance utility throws more effectively. In this guide, we’ll cover essential smoke and flashbang throws that every player should master to dominate Dust 2.
dust 2 in cs2

Smoke Grenades

1. B Site CT Smoke from T Spawn

Starting from T Spawn, position yourself next to the left oil drum. Aim at the intersection point of the extended line from this antenna and its focal point. Execute the throw with a jump + throw bind (A + jump throw). This smoke will land in CT Spawn, blocking the vision of CTs and allowing your teammates to push B Site safely. Once the smoke pops, your teammate in B Tunnels can throw a flash and clear out the CTs holding B Site.

2. B Tunnels Smoke from Catwalk

If your teammates in B Site hear activity but lack a smoke, you can assist from Catwalk. Position yourself at the edge of the drying rack. Aim at the top-left corner of the square, then move your crosshair slightly left, about half a crosshair width. Execute the throw with WA + jump throw. This smoke will land in B Tunnels, blocking the enemy’s vision and helping your team hold B Site more effectively.

3. A Long Smoke from A Platform

When defending A Site, if your teammate in A Long Pit needs a smoke, you can help from A Platform. Position yourself near the two pillars and aim at the focal point of the inner pillar. Execute the throw with a simple left-click jump throw. This smoke will block A Long, aiding your teammate in Pit and providing cover for those holding A Site.

4. Mid to B Smoke from A Platform

If your team has control of A Long and there’s no activity, you can assist your mid teammates from A Platform. Aim at the center of the fortress structure and execute the throw with AS + jump throw. This smoke will land in Mid, blocking the vision of CTs and preventing them from executing a Mid to B split.

5. A Short Smoke from B Site

If B Site is clear and you suspect a fast push towards A Short, you can assist your A Short teammates. Position yourself at the extension of the line and aim upwards to the intersection point. Execute a jump throw to deploy the smoke. This smoke will block A Short, delaying the enemy’s push and giving your teammates time to reposition.


1. B Site Flash from Tunnels

Once the CT smoke pops in B Site, your teammate in B Tunnels can throw a flash to clear out any CTs holding the site. This flash should be thrown high to avoid blinding your teammates and to catch any CTs off guard.

2. Mid to B Flash from Catwalk

When executing a Mid to B split, a well-timed flash from Catwalk can blind any CTs holding Mid. Aim at the top of the Mid doors and execute a jump throw. This flash will pop just above the doors, blinding any CTs and allowing your team to push through Mid safely.

3. A Long Flash from A Platform

If your team is pushing A Long, a flash from A Platform can help clear out any CTs holding A Long. Aim at the sky above A Long and execute a jump throw. This flash will pop in the air, blinding any CTs and giving your team the advantage.
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Mastering these utility throws on Dust 2 can significantly improve your team’s performance. Whether you’re attacking or defending, these smokes and flashes will give you the upper hand in crucial situations. Practice these throws to ensure precision and consistency, and you’ll see a noticeable improvement in your gameplay. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your Dust 2 strategy in CS2.