How to Position Your Crosshair in CS2?

June 27, 2024 12:20 pm

Understanding and mastering crosshair placement is a fundamental skill in CS2. However, maintaining a steady crosshair level can be challenging, especially when you or your opponents are on uneven terrain or moving. Is there a rule of thumb that could apply to all situations to help you maintain a steady crosshair in CS2?

crosshair in CS2

Understanding Basic Crosshair Levels

Generally, crosshair levels can be divided into two categories: horizontal and non-horizontal. Horizontal crosshair level is straightforward – it’s the height of the crosshair when both players are on the same level. Interestingly, many in-game structures have markings that can assist in determining the correct crosshair in CS2.

Non-horizontal crosshair level, on the other hand, is trickier. It becomes particularly challenging when opponents take high ground, standing on walls, rocks, or boxes. The correct crosshair level in such scenarios is the sum of the height of the cover and the height of the opponent.

Advanced Crosshair Control

Once you’ve mastered the basic crosshair levels, it’s time to delve into advanced crosshair control. This involves adjusting your crosshair in CS2 based on the relative height and distance between you and your opponent. For instance, when you’re at a higher position, the closer the opponent, the lower you should place your crosshair. Conversely, if you’re at a lower position, you should raise your crosshair as the opponent gets closer.

Why Lower Ranked Players Need to Pay Extra Attention

High-ranked players usually avoid getting close to the cover in front of them to prevent being targeted. They maintain a position close to the wall behind them, which means they’re always at the far end of your crosshair range.

However, lower-ranked players often lack this awareness and might emerge from the middle of the road or even right next to the cover. In such cases, if your crosshair is still placed for a far-end opponent, your crosshair level will definitely be off. Remember to adjust your crosshair in CS2 flexibly.


Mastering crosshair placement in CS2 involves understanding and adjusting your crosshair level based on your and your opponent’s relative positions and distances. Remember, if you’re at a higher position, lower your crosshair as the opponent gets closer. If you’re at a lower position, raise your crosshair as the opponent gets closer. This rule also applies when you’re crouching and aiming. With practice and awareness, you’ll be able to maintain steady and accurate crosshair levels, giving you an edge in your matches.

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