How to Dominate with the League of Legends Swarm Riven Build?

September 26, 2024 7:23 am
Riven, the Exile, is a versatile and high-skill champion in League of Legends. Her Swarm build has gained popularity for its aggressive playstyle and high damage output. This guide will walk you through the essentials of the League of Legends Swarm Riven build, ensuring you maximize your impact on the Rift.

Understanding Swarm Riven Build

The Swarm Riven build focuses on maximizing Riven’s damage and survivability. This build emphasizes attack speed, critical strikes, and sustain, making Riven a formidable opponent in both team fights and solo skirmishes.

Core Items for Swarm Riven Build

  1. Kraken Slayer
    Kraken Slayer is essential for Swarm Riven. It provides attack speed, critical strike chance, and true damage, perfect for shredding through tanky opponents.
  2. Black Cleaver
    Black Cleaver synergizes well with Riven’s kit. It provides health, attack damage, and armor reduction, enhancing your sustained damage output.
  3. Death’s Dance
    This item offers attack damage, lifesteal, and damage reduction, making it ideal for dealing with burst damage.
  4. Ravenous Hydra
    Ravenous Hydra provides attack damage, lifesteal, and an active cleave, which is crucial for wave clear and team fights.
  5. Guardian Angel
    Guardian Angel offers a second chance in fights, allowing you to play more aggressively without the fear of immediate death.
  6. Sterak’s Gage
    Sterak’s Gage provides health and a shield, ensuring you survive longer in extended fights.

Optimal Runes for Swarm Riven Build

  1. Precision Tree
    • Keystone: Conqueror
      Conqueror increases your damage and healing in extended fights.
    • Triumph
      Triumph restores health on kills, helping you stay in fights longer.
    • Legend: Tenacity
      This rune provides additional tenacity, reducing the duration of crowd control effects.
    • Last Stand
      Last Stand amplifies your damage when you are low on health, making it easier to secure kills.
  2. Domination Tree
    • Sudden Impact
      Sudden Impact boosts your lethality after using a dash or blink, synergizing with Riven’s mobility.
    • Ravenous Hunter
      Ravenous Hunter provides omnivamp, enhancing your sustain in fights.

Early Game Strategy

In the early game, focus on farming and securing objectives. Riven’s early game can be weak, so avoid unnecessary skirmishes. Use your abilities to clear waves quickly and keep an eye on the minimap for potential ganks.

Mid to Late Game Strategy

As you transition into the mid game, start participating in team fights and objective control. Use your high attack speed and critical strikes to burst down priority targets. Always position yourself carefully, as getting caught out can be detrimental.

In the late game, your role is to deal consistent damage while staying alive. Use your mobility to dodge skill shots and reposition during fights. Coordinate with your team to secure Baron and Elder Dragon, which can be game-changing objectives.

Tips and Tricks for Swarm Riven Build

  1. Use Your Mobility
    Riven’s mobility is one of her greatest strengths. Use it to dodge enemy abilities and reposition during fights.
  2. Focus on Objectives
    Always prioritize objectives over kills. Securing dragons, Barons, and towers will lead your team to victory.
  3. Communicate with Your Team
    Effective communication is key in League of Legends. Ping objectives, call for assistance, and keep your team informed of your intentions.
  4. Adapt Your Build
    While the core items are essential, always be ready to adapt your build based on the enemy team composition. If you’re facing heavy crowd control, consider buying a Quicksilver Sash.
  5. Practice Makes Perfect
    Swarm Riven requires practice to master. Spend time in normal games to get a feel for the build before taking it into ranked.


Mastering the League of Legends Swarm Riven build can significantly enhance your gameplay. By focusing on attack speed, critical strikes, and sustainability, you can become a formidable force on the Rift. Follow this guide, practice regularly, and you’ll see a noticeable improvement in your performance. Good luck, and may your journey to mastering the Swarm Riven build be filled with victories!