Common Mistakes of C to B Rank Players in CS2

June 17, 2024 8:16 am

Picture this: you’re a brave adventurer in the world of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO), journeying through the treacherous terrains of the C to B ranks. You, like many other players in CS2, are trying to navigate a jungle full of booby traps where the slightest misstep can send you tumbling into a pitfall. But fear not, for we have the map to guide you through this jungle. As players in CS2, we must arm ourselves with knowledge and strategy. So, grab your machete, put on your best Indiana Jones hat, and let’s hack our way through these common CS2 blunders.

players in CS2

Panic at the Sight of an Enemy

The adrenaline rush that kicks in during a face-off with an enemy can often lead to panic, causing players to forget their training and resort to spray and pray. However, for players in CS2, is not about fear, but about eliminating threats. Stay calm, focus on your aim and decision-making, and you’ll be able to perform at your best.

Always Holding Angles Too Close to Corners

Many players imitate pros and high-ranked players by holding their crosshair close to the corner of a wall or object. However, this often leads to the need for micro-adjustments when an enemy appears, making it harder to land shots. It’s important to understand that the position of your crosshair should vary depending on the situation. For instance, if you’re holding a right-angle position, widen your crosshair placement as enemies will appear faster. If it’s an obtuse angle, narrow it down. This advice is crucial for players in CS2 aiming to improve their skills.

Constantly Walking Silently

While silent walking can prevent enemies from hearing your footsteps, it also makes you an easy target as you peek corners slowly. Instead, try to run out from cover, making it harder for enemies to react. If you want to peek slowly, make sure to control your movement within two steps, as this won’t produce any sound.

Lack of Trade Fragging Awareness

Trade fragging is an essential team play tactic where you follow up on a teammate’s death by killing the enemy who killed them. However, many players, especially in lower ranks, tend to hang back instead of actively engaging in the fight. Remember, staying in sync with your team is crucial. If a teammate has made a breakthrough, follow up quickly to trade kills. This team coordination is just as vital for players in CS2 aiming to improve their gameplay.


In conclusion, overcoming these common mistakes can significantly improve your gameplay, helping you climb the CS2 ranks. Remember, practice makes perfect, and every mistake is a learning opportunity. So, keep these tips in mind, and you’ll be ranking up in no time.

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